Execution History API
Description: Fetches the last 100 execution runs for a given workflow.
Request Syntax:
Query Parameters:
limit (optional): the number of executions to include in the response
Default is 100
offset (optional): the index of the first result to be included
Default is 0
For example, if you set limit=10 and offset=10, the response would include the 10th to the 19th most recent executions.
Response Syntax:
Response Syntax Variables
ID: Run id associated with the execution
Status: completion status of the workflow
Start time: date-time when the workflow began execution
End time: date-time when the workflow finished execution
Elapsed time: Amount of seconds the workflow took to complete
Error: Any errors which occured during workflow execution
Outputs: The output of the node selected in the End Node
All Outputs: Outputs of each node
Inputs: the inputs sent to the workflow
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