Running Arcee in AWS VPC

Linking AWS Capacity to Your VPC


Arcee training runs on AWS capacity blocks for ML.

Learn how to link AWS capacity to your VPC for running Arcee, focusing on checking instance availability, ensuring correct subnets, and launching capacity.

Preparing Your VPC

Checking Instance Availability

  1. Open the AWS Management Console.

  2. Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.

  3. Check the availability of P5 instances in your region.

When linking AWS capacity to your VPC for use with Arcee, the first step is to verify that P5 instances are available in your VPC's region. If P5 instances are not available, you may need to change regions. Use AWS resources to check the availability of P5 instances.

Verify P5 Availability

Check if P5 instances are available in your VPC's region. If not, consider switching regions to ensure you have the resources you need.

Ensuring Correct Subnets

Ensure your VPC has the required F subnet. If it does not, you may need to modify your VPC configuration to include it.

Launching Capacity

Launching Capacity from Arcee Training UI

  1. Open Arcee UI

  2. Navigate to Training

  3. Select target instance

  4. Enter capacity ID

  5. Launch capacity

Launching Capacity from Arcee Python Client

  1. Open the Arcee Python client.

  2. Set the target instance to p5.48xlarge.

  3. Set the capacity ID to your capacity ID.

  4. Run the launch command.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If no P5 instances are available in your current region, you may need to change your VPC region to one that has P5 availability. Refer to the AWS documentation to find available regions for P5 instances.

  • To change the region of your VPC, you will need to create a new VPC in the desired region and configure it according to your needs. You may refer to AWS VPC documentation for detailed steps.

  • A capacity ID is a unique identifier that represents the pre-reserved capacity you have obtained for running instances. You will use this ID when launching instances to ensure they use the reserved capacity.

  • You can modify your VPC by accessing the VPC dashboard in the AWS Management Console. Here, you can adjust settings such as adding or removing subnets, configuring route tables, and changing security groups.